There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

I have had the same issue of people staring at us in restaurants with our 4 daughters. No noise no running around. Just a quite meal. My wife alerted me to an older couple glaring at us. Sure enough they were. I got up and went to their table to inquire what the problem could have been. Neither one would answer so I accidentally spilled a drink on them which I quickly apologized. They got up and left. We went back to our quite evening.
Oh my goodness, that makes me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!
A. They are near Storyland. HELLO
B. If they hate kids so much, maybe they should eat out after 8 PM.
C. Then my mom’s voice kicks into my head… “maybe they always wanted kids, and couldn’t have them, so it made them bitter. Or maybe their only joy in life is spreading hate, and we should feel sorry for them.”
D. Either way, it is hard to brush it off, but I hope you killed them with kindness. You should have taken your daughter over and offered to let them hold her. Or had one of the kids draw them a picture. Life is too short to respond with the anger I expressed above, even though it’s easy and good. And it sounds like you didn’t, so Bravo. I hope my face lights up every time I see a kid (though I confess it is easier if they are happy).
Exactly!! It’s storyland!!! And a total kids restaurant. So bizzare and madenning!!
I would pay no mind to them or maybe even feel sorry for them. They might be a couple who have tried to get pregnant and failed but deep down inside they wished they were able to conceive. And their failure to conceive and seeing kids around them is a nagging reminder for them.
That’s a good way to frame things Elaine. It’s true, we never know what other people are going through. Might as well assume the best.
Was it at all possible that they were cheering your handling of a large party several of whom were children? Any way it was a positive reaction?
Definitely not! Although that would have been nice 🙂
I would’ve asked them WTF their problem was… I appreciate your story but it’s a pet peeve of mine when people address stuff after the fact. People that nasty need to be put in their place. When I was a kid we had a couple who were just the meanest old couple ever. One day, a child mind you said to them “why are u both so mean?!” This woman didn’t even realize how nasty she was and how people were noticing and from that day on she was as sweet as pie. We cried when she passed away. Sometimes people need to be called out to their face.