There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

You’re right Liz. That moment when Phoebe is just about asleep, then struggles to turn over and put her head on my shoulder before breathing a huge sigh of relief is the best moment of every day for me.
It’s surprisingly amazing. It’s really the best thing.
*sigh* I can relate you everything you wrote here. My son is 9 months old, wow time flies. Every moment I’ve cherished. Never thought I’d love anything as much as I love him. It’s indescribable! Love your blog, you are hilarious 🙂
Thanks Whitney! Yeah the first year goes by in a total whirlwind. Although it doesn’t seem like that when you’re up in the middle of the night for the 50th time during those first few months.
That moment when Loulou falls asleep is the best and the worst at the same time. I try to put her to sleep but the moment she is actually asleep I am thinking “Oh, no! Wake up! I miss you already!”. Talk about madness…
Haha you should just wake up Loulou as soon as she goes down. I’m sure she’d understand. 🙂
I’m with you Alexia. I look at PICTURES of my daughter once she’s sleeping, because I miss her. So nuts.
Love your posts, Liz. I wish I read your blog earlier, when everyone else on the internet made me feel like I was “doing it wrong”. As of tomorrow, my kid has been alive for 365 days, so it’s probably safe to say I’m at least doing it OK.
Hey Kara- Congrats on making it through year one! It’s nuts. And I totally get you on the internet making it always seem like you must be doing something wrong. I just go by our family motto, which is “good enough!”
Equal parts funny and sweet. Mommy wars = lord of the flies indeed. It’s crazy. Enjoyed all the animal references. It was like a running theme. Baby compared to a ham, a greased pig, dressed as a bear, raised by wolves. Not sure if that was on purpose or not and I’m not sure which way is funnier!
Liz – it was not on purpose! In fact, when I was just reading your comment at first I didn’t even know what you meant (until I read your list of examples, at which time it became clear. And also at which time I thought to myself that perhaps I need an animal detox/intervention).
Birthday twins with my little girl! You also forgot to mention the overall cooperation with daily activities and when you reposition their physical location they would not put up a fit!
“harder to hold onto than a greased pick at a state fair ..” and “…grabbing everything in his reach…” brought back such fond memories of Christmas shopping with my 26-lb greased piglet this season 😉 Love him to bits. Love Christmas shopping never by myself in stores with very narrow aisles… not quite as much.