There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

Liz, did your crazy alarms just start after your renovation? Because since we did our addition and put in a brand new hardwired system our fire alarms have a tendency of going off at 3 am on the absolute coldest nights of the year… We’ve had to have them replaced twice. Apparently the new hardwired systems so this on the regular. Seems like a big step up from the old school ones that only went off when there was smoke?
Hey Megan –
Our alarms had this problem before the renovation too. It does seem to be these newer hardwired systems that are the problem though! It’s awful! We had the same issue in our condo.
At my parents’ house, the alarms go off when there’s smoke. When there’s smoke you take a towel and wave it in front of the detector until it stops going off. That’s all I want…
We have similar issues, but I envy you since ours only go off at 342am in the darkest of winters.
Two things I learned: hardwire smokes do this, and yes, they get dirty. Also: older (as in, not bought last year) CO detectors have a shelf life — even if they’re hardwired in — and they’ll start to fail at about year 5 or so and attempt to make you crazy by not failing simultaneously, but by chirping their death chirps one unit at a time in succession over a period of weeks so that you risk losing your mind.
Good memories for me. Not for the kids of course — they sleep through all of it, all the time.
I laughed the entire time reading this and felt bad the entire time I was laughing! Your fire alarms totally suck but your descriptions of your reactions to said fire alarms going off are hysterical! Also, I fully support your impromptu trip to Dunk’s since, I mean, it’s not like using your coffee maker is a good idea in such a situation, right? And there’s always a chance you’ll run into someone you know at a local Dunk’s in which case you may be able to vent to them and/or ask for recommendations on new fire alarm systems while also feeling like a badass since you’re not wearing underwear. LOL
Loved the bird analogy. Far too often I am that caged bird who cannot get her shit together. Loved the pictures! I can speak from experience, beyond the baby years are amazing! I cherish the relationship and fun times I have with my 8 year-old son. I also love watching the bond my four boys are forming. And they wrestle A LOT!.
Awesome 🙂 I love having a toddler, but in general older kids are more my thing….
This cracked me up. This is exactly the kid of shit that seems to happen to me.
Where is the whale toy box thingy from? Or at least that’s what it looks like it is…?
Hey Gretchen – The whale toy box is from 3 Sprouts. I love love love all of their bins/bags/boxes etc. They’re really cute.
Liz, thank you for not only starting off our trip with a bang, but also making me laugh so much about it! I’m sure the boys will remember this one!! Nolan is adorable in every sense of the word and so glad we got to spend time with him!! (And you and Brian too, of course). Funny how we don’t come first anymore!! Thanks for opening up your house to us and for making us feel at home!! Nothing like yelling at my boys for wrestling and making Nolan cry 🙁 🙁 xoxoxo until next time and our next adventures….
Haha I almost forgot about Nolan crying during the wrestling incident! Eh, he survived 🙂 Your boys were GREAT! Love them!