There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

Wowsa this hits close to home! My second, my last, is just like your little Tom. He’s about a year behind in age, but I can already sense how much I am going to miss this tiny, pudgy tornado as he grows. I look at his sister who’s nearly five and think “when did the baby-ness leave her?” and I’m scared to death for the moment I’ll look at him and think the same thing. While this age is hard – he tantrums, he has very minimal language skills, and there’s lots he can’t do – I will miss terribly those things that make me want to just eat him up – his chubby cheeks, his snuggles, the cute way he talks (“i don’t want!” and “me no mama!”). Great post!
Aw thanks Jamie! Your little guy sounds so sweet 🙂
Great post. It struck me as I was reading this how lucky your children will be when they grow up because you have documented this stage of their lives so dramatically and with so much love and laughter for them. What a huge gift to your own family in the future as well as all the ones out here with you right now. Your writing is filled with inspiration, love and wisdom.
Aw, thank you Kelly!!