There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

So glad you wrote about this crazy baby on the gown train story. And I totally echo your sentiment of wanting to be one of these intense baby carrying moms. My lo is still just 16 weeks old, so I’m still trying. I haven’t tried the back, might need to try that. They are just all so darn expensive! But we do love our ergo and loved our boba (like the Moby) when he was a newborn. Just wanted to comment since I like to think I am also a natural hippie (and hip) mom but totally am not living up to it. 🙂
It’s hard when you can’t live up to your pretend version of yourself! I fight this daily…Someday I will be a natural hip mom, but I know I have to overhaul my entire lifestyle to achieve this, and I’m just too tired to try that right now.
The pork chop line really got me, too funny. He’s a wicked cute pork chop!
Thanks! He is a cute pork chop, I agree. A cute, incredibly dense and hard to carry pork chop.
Baby Bjorn carrier was a hit! Moby was great when they are tiny. I think somewhere around 15 lbs they start to cause back problems. We also have a Kelty backpack carrier if you do end up hiking in the woods like a fancied adventurer and want to borrow it 🙂
I might take you up on the Kelty offer. Especially if I visit the island, and adopt my “Island Liz” persona. Island Liz will need the Kelty Backpack.
This literally had me in tears laughing on the T this morning – to the point people were staring at me, so thank you 🙂 I researched the crap out of carriers and landed on the Ergo and I have to say I’m not a total fan. It hurts my lower back (21 wk old is 16.5lbs) and I think he would rather face out… so now I’m looking at used Bjorn’s on ebay. You just can’t win!
I know! It’s so hard. I read a ton of reviews but I think what matters most is how it fits on your body and if your baby takes to it. The Beco is really comfortable for my back, I have to say…Although most comfortable for my back is the stroller/having Brian carry the baby 🙂
Another LOL-funny post – thanks Liz! I was also scared by the moby and all the wrapping… we registered for one of the super basic carriers that just go over your shoulders and that worked well until about 15 pounds at which point I started having flashbacks to pregnancy back pain and we ordered an ergo. The ergo is much better (love the pockets too!) but I still don’t get how people wear them for any serious length of time… I live in a touristy area and there are always TINY little (European?) women carrying around babies without a stroller in site… I always feel like asking them if they are secretly plotting a return to their hotel or if they are trying to prove something by walking the entire freedom trail with a baby strapped to them… I just can’t do it… I’ve decided that admitting to the fact that I don’t enjoy having a 25 pound nugget strapped to me while I try to walk is nothing to be ashamed of… perhaps a maxi skirt and some intricate sewing is in order?
Yeah I think some moms are built a little sturdier than I am. I want to walk to Freedom Trail with a baby strapped to me, damnit!
As someone who has lazily reaped the benefits of your extensive research, I want to thank you Liz for letting me test drive the Beco. I love it! And I was able to hawk my back breaking Ergo to a mom in the container store parking lot thanks to the internet wieldings of the one and only Amanda Symmes, MSW. Thanks mom friends
You’re welcome, Courtney. And thank YOU for the tagline “Doing the World’s Toughest Job, and Looking Sexy Doing it!” It’s a quid pro quo relationship.
When your child gets older, consider twine. Last Sunday, a Staten Island guy was arrested. Apparently with his girlfriend’s permission, he attached her 5-year old son to his motorcycle using twine, around the boy’s feet and waist. Safety first. He didn’t forget the helmet. It was just very large and shifted a lot, on the boy’s head. Is twine the new duct tape?
What in the?? I missed this one. Good thing he asked permission first, that makes it sound safe.
I loved my Beco carrier but my kids were big babies. Second one was 20 lbs by 5 months (mama makes milkshakes?) so I had to abandon carriers earlier than I would have liked. 🙁 Oddly, I needed physical therapy for my back and neck when my babies were nurslings too!
Wow, that IS a big baby! I feel like Nolan is a giant, and he hit 20 lbs. at around 7 months. Hefty babies are cute but seriously, they owe us for the chiro payments.
I can’t believe you haven’t tried the ring sling. That thing is amazing, he can sit any way he wants. Even on your back when he gets a little older. LOVE IT!
Hmm I remember this from when I was doing all my overzealous reading on baby carriers, but I never followed up and got one. It sits kind of on your hip usually, right? I may be interested in that, it seems like if you’re eating and the baby is in the carrier you’re less likely to dump food on their head. I could use that edge.
Beco gemini all the way I got two!! One for each baby but my all time fav for stiller thus far is the joovy twin too for any twin mamas out there! This bad boy is literally a metal frame that fold up like a jewel and u can throw the infant carriers right in it GENIUS!!! Of course till they can’t fit in those anymore then it’s on like donkey kong! Btw that lady is a freak she gives southern folk a bad name!!!
Oops that was stroller and twin roo damn auto correct, I don’t want it corrected I meant to type that!!!!
Courtney at first I was picturing you with two baby carriers on at once, but then it occurred to me that probably you wear one and your husband wears one! haha. Double carrying would be super impressive, I’ve seen photos of some moms doing that with their wraps but it looks really complicated to me. Impressive but complicated.