There is a ton of interest in the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair, and for good reason. This versatile, attractive and well-made high chair is one of the best baby products on the market. Many parents have questions about the ins and outs of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, and in this post I’ll go over…
Answers to Your Stokke Tripp Trapp Questions

Hahahahahaha… that’s it – I’m way too famous now for my own good! Thanks for the much-needed Monday morning shout-out, Liz! I can only hope now that Nicole Curtis stumbles across this blog when she Googles herself… it should appear towards the top of her search results list because of the number of times her name appears. Once she sees that you are modeling your reno-life after her and living by the WWNCD mantra, she will surely come to your house and re-haul it for her show!
Yes! I’m expecting a comment to roll in from Nicole herself at any moment. Or maybe from her pal LeBron James, who is apparently her new renovation partner? Oh, television.
I recently discovered this show whilst traveling for work and enjoying the luxury you 1%ers call Cable. I wonder just how much she actually DOES of the renovation, and if the crew is laughing at the facade she has created. Or, if she really did used to renovate shit but now has to focus all her time on being a television personality, and we’re just hating on our fellow womyn and doubting her abilities because of her XX chromosome.
I am 100% confident in Nicole and her abilities. I’m also very gullible, so that doesn’t mean much. But I trust Nicole fully. 🙂
Ha!- this is exactly how my 2 year old/ person shopper chooses my wardrobe– whatever he flings into the cart and I can’t put back before the check out counter is apparently my new wardrobe! I’m sure I’ll look just as chic and coordinated as your new furnishings!
It’s a really good method Sarah, I’m not sure why it hasn’t caught on more widely. Maybe not all babies are so adept with fabrics…
Oh My Lordy, look at your stove top!!! On the plus side, I am sure that the amazing space and new feel to your home will be totally work the health hazard. Never mind the mismatched socks, How you manage to keep your play mat in one piece is the real miracle here!
That play mat only stays in one piece for seconds at a time before Nolan pulls out a letter and tries to eat it….Don’t be fooled by that photo!
Please tell me you tested for lead paint…especially with your little one around all that dust! A doc can do a finger prick check in office…. never sand or use a heat gun on lead paint. You can buy a $9 kit at Home Depot to check that dust for lead.
We actually moved out for the entire process because we didn’t want Nolan exposed to the dust. With the age of our house lead paint is a pretty sure bet, so we vacated. We also replaced any windows that were a lead paint concern! Thanks for asking!